Tuesday, 25 April 2017

IV Cannula Complications

There are various complications of IV Cannula which are given:
Phlebitis is indicated by the symptoms such as pain, redness, swelling, warmth and hardness
of the IV site.

Infiltration causes pain and swelling which may occur due to leakage of a non vesicant
solution into the surrounding tissues

Extravasations causes severe pain which may cause due to major trauma and finally causes
migration into the tissues of a vesicant medicine or fluid

Thrombosis or thrombophlebitis is often caused by the cannula which moves around in the
vein and aggravates the vessel form due to formation of clot in the vessel

Nerve damage can make the patient have acute pain in the arm and causes numbness so cannula
should be removed immediately.

Partial or complete dislodgement shows that vessel does not contain PIVC and shall be removed.

There are long term consequence of early detection and treatment of complications of IV Cannula.

The infiltration or extravasations causes stopping the infusion, disconnect the tubing and aspirate the residual drug from the device.

You can elevate the limb on a pillow and have medical advice and offer paracetamol if required. You can continue to assess document and the response of patient.

There is time consuming replacement of PIVC which happens due to complications of cannula which  happens due to paediatrics which happens due to lack of viable veins.

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